Letter by Santi D. PET (B1) level.
Dear Mrs Hallan:
Firstly, I want to say congratulations to you because I think that the talent show competition is an excellent idea because it can be so funny and we can have a good time with our school friends, how did you come up with it?
I think that the talent show should be for students of all ages, because everybody deserves to have a good time with his/her friends and students with similar ages can do such great numbers for the show. I think that before the talent show you can do a pre-selection to choose the best numbers for the show.
Regarding the parents’ judgement, it may be better that the teachers would judge the show cause parents could have some favouritism with their sons or daughters, but choose what you prefer.
About the prizes, I was thinking that the best prize might be 0.5 more in the final mark for the subject that the student prefers; or a medal and a candy bag.
See you in class:
Santiago D. G.